Insulation automatic drafter

To automate the drawing of zigzag-shaped insulation


This script is written in Python and uses the rhinoscriptsyntax library. It allows the user to select a rectangle in Rhino and creates a polyline that follows a zigzag pattern. The zigzag pattern is inscribed in the rectangle and its wave size is equal to the zigzag's pattern side size.


  • Inscribes a zigzag pattern in a rectangle

  • Wave size of the zigzag pattern is equal to the zigzag's pattern side size

  • The script works with both horizontal and vertical rectangles


  1. Make sure you have Rhino and RhinoPython installed

  2. Download the script

  3. Open Rhino and use the RunPythonScript command to load the script

  4. Select a rectangle

  5. The script will create a zigzag pattern inscribed in the rectangle


  1. The script starts by asking the user to select a rectangle in Rhino

  2. The script gets the bounding box of the selected rectangle and calculates the width and height

  3. The script calculates the zigzag pattern side by getting the smaller side of the rectangle and applying some math operations

  4. The script checks if the rectangle is horizontal or vertical and creates the polyline points accordingly

  5. The script creates a polyline that passes through all the points


  • Rhino

  • rhinoscriptsyntax library (included in Rhino)

Known issues

  • The script won't work on rotated rectangles that are not strictly horizontal or vertical


import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs

# Create an empty list to store the points
points = []

# Ask the user to select a rectangle
rectangle = rs.GetObject("Select a rectangle")
if rectangle is None: exit()

# Get the bounding box of the rectangle
bbox = rs.BoundingBox(rectangle)

# Get the width and height of the bounding box
width = rs.Distance(bbox[0], bbox[1])
height = rs.Distance(bbox[0], bbox[3])

# Get the smaller side of the rectangle
zigzag_side = (min(width, height) / 0.866025403) / 2

# Check if the rectangle is horizontal or vertical
if width > height:
    # Rectangle is horizontal
    for i in range(int((width+zigzag_side)/zigzag_side + 1)):
        x = bbox[0][0] + i * zigzag_side
        y = bbox[0][1] + (i % 2) * height
        points.append((x, y, 0))
    # Rectangle is vertical
    for i in range(int((height+zigzag_side)/zigzag_side + 1)):
        x = bbox[0][0] + (i % 2) * width
        y = bbox[0][1] + i * zigzag_side
        points.append((x, y, 0))

# Draw a line that passes through all the points

Last updated